Junk Removal During a Move: Tips and Tricks

Junk Removal During a Move

Junk Removal During a Move

Moving to a new home is an exciting chapter in life, but it can also be a daunting task. Amidst the chaos of packing boxes and coordinating logistics, one aspect often overlooked is junk removal in Vancouver. Clearing out the clutter before your move can simplify the process, save you money, and start your new journey on the right foot.

What items can be discarded when you are relocating to a new home?

Relocating to a new home

Take a look if these things are lying around in your house and not in use for more than a year.

1) Expired Items- Check your pantry, medicine cabinet, and toiletries for expired food, medications, and personal care products.

2) Clothing- Donate or sell clothing that no longer fits, is out of style, or you haven’t worn in a year or more.

3) Old Appliances- If you have outdated or non-functioning appliances, it might be more cost-effective to replace them at your new home.

4) Furniture- Consider parting with furniture that doesn’t suit your new space, is damaged beyond repair, or no longer fits your style.

5) Electronics- Dispose of old electronics like non-functional laptops, outdated computers, and broken or unused gadgets.

6) Books and Magazines- Donate or sell books and magazines you no longer read or need.

7) Unused Toys and Games- Children’s toys and games that are no longer played with can be donated or sold.

8) Kitchen Items- Go through your kitchen and discard chipped dishes, cracked glasses, or unused kitchen gadgets.

9) Old Linens and Towels- Get rid of worn-out or mismatched linens, towels, and bedding.

10) Expired or Unused Cleaning Supplies- Safely dispose of cleaning products that are past their expiration date or that you no longer use.

11) Broken or Unwanted Decor- If you have decorative items that are damaged or no longer fit your decor, consider discarding them.

12) Unused Exercise Equipment- If exercise equipment is gathering dust, it might be time to let it go.

13) Gardening Tools and Supplies- If you won’t have a garden in your new home or don’t use gardening tools, consider discarding them.

14) Unfinished Projects- Be realistic about whether you’ll complete unfinished DIY projects, crafts, or hobbies.

15) Worn-Out Shoes- Dispose of shoes that are damaged or have seen better days.

16) Outgrown Baby Gear- If you have baby gear that your children have outgrown, consider donating it.

17) Broken or Unused Tools- Sort through your tools and discard broken or redundant ones.

Tips for efficient junk removal during a move

Tips for efficient junk removal

1. Plan Ahead

The key to successful junk removal during a move is planning. Start well in advance of your moving date. Create a timeline that includes designated days for sorting, packing, and disposing of unwanted items. Allocate specific hours or days for each room in your home to ensure a systematic approach.

2. Declutter Room by Room

Begin your junk removal journey by tackling one room at a time. Start with areas that tend to accumulate the most clutter, such as the basement, attic, garage, and closets. Sorting through items room by room allows you to focus your efforts efficiently.

3. Sort Items

As you go through each room, categorize items into three main groups as below –

3a – Keep – These are items you want to take with you to your new home.

3b – Donate or Sell – Items in good condition that you no longer need can be donated or sold online or through a garage sale.

3c – Dispose – Items that are damaged, broken, or beyond repair should be disposed of properly.

4. Vancouver Recycling and Donation Resources

Vancouver offers various resources for recycling and donating items. Consider organizations like Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity ReStore for furniture and household items. For recycling electronics, the Encorp Return-It Electronics program is a valuable resource.

5. Hazardous Waste Disposal

Ensure you dispose of hazardous materials, such as paint, chemicals, and batteries, safely and responsibly. Vancouver’s Household Hazardous Waste program provides drop-off locations for these items.

6. Professional Junk Removal Services

Consider enlisting the services of a professional junk removal company in Vancouver. They can handle the heavy lifting, transportation, and responsible disposal of items, saving you time and effort.

7. Stay Environmentally Responsible

Vancouver is known for its commitment to sustainability. When disposing of junk, make eco-friendly choices. Ensure that recyclables are recycled, and hazardous waste is disposed of safely. Many junk removal companies in Vancouver prioritize eco-friendly practices.

8. Make a Packing Plan

After decluttering, a well-thought-out packing plan can streamline your move. Start with essential items and pack them first. Label boxes clearly with their contents and destination rooms in your new home. This organized approach ensures a smoother unpacking process and helps you locate items when you need them.

9. Recycle Packing Materials

Once you’ve settled into your new home, consider the responsible disposal of packing materials. In Vancouver, recycling cardboard boxes, packing paper, and bubble wrap is easy, thanks to the city’s robust recycling programs. Flatten and bundle cardboard boxes for convenient curbside pickup or drop them off at a local recycling center.

10. Consider Donating Food

If you have non-perishable food items that won’t make the move with you, consider donating them to a local food bank. Vancouver has several food banks that welcome such contributions. It’s a thoughtful way to reduce waste and support the community during your move.

11. Plan for Unwanted Furniture

In the process of decluttering, you may find that some furniture won’t fit in your new home or no longer suits your style. Vancouver offers options for responsible furniture disposal. Many charitable organizations, such as the Salvation Army, accept gently used furniture donations. It’s a meaningful way to ensure your furniture finds a new home.

12. Safety First

When handling heavy or bulky items during the decluttering and packing process, safety should be paramount. Always use proper lifting techniques to avoid injury. Wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and safety goggles, when necessary. For exceptionally heavy or awkward items, consider enlisting the help of friends or professionals to ensure both your safety and the integrity of your belongings.

13. Final Inspection

Before leaving your old home, conduct a thorough final inspection. Check all areas, including attics, basements, and outdoor spaces. It’s easy to overlook items in hidden corners or storage spaces. A final sweep ensures that nothing is left behind and that you’ve successfully completed your decluttering and junk removal efforts.

14. Celebrate Your New Beginning

Finally, moving to a new home is a significant life event, and it deserves to be celebrated. Once you’ve completed the decluttering, packing, and junk removal, take a moment to appreciate your new beginning. Reflect on the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in your refreshed space. Whether it’s a simple toast with loved ones or a small housewarming gathering, marking this milestone can be a memorable and joyous experience.

To sum it up

These were a few tricks that can help you extract more from your junk disposal endeavour before you relocate to a new home. Make sure to call up a professional agency like Junkyard Angel for junk removal in Vancouver. With us, you will get 100% assistance and value-for-money service.